Tom Goldsmith, Pintales app developer.
About Tom Goldsmith, the Pintales app developer.
Tom grew up on a small hobby farm near Fitzroy Harbour. His parents sold honey and maple syrup at the Carp Farmers’ Market. In his teens, he was a tour guide for a few years at the newly opened Diefenbunker Museum. Tom recalls that the tours were fully guided through all four floors of the bunker. Visitors were guaranteed a slightly different flavour of interpretative guidance depending on who they drew as a guide.
Tom created Pintales to assist environmental and historical organizations, particularly those with limited resources, reach an audience through their smartphones. "It’s free to download and explore the content, and free for content creators to upload their trails or tours. We are adding lots of interesting new content over the coming weeks and months."
Check out the Pintales web site for more information.